Sunday, May 4, 2014

Guard Your Heart

Today I had to exercise my new practice of bravery.  I can't really share details but it took me many months to work up to today.  I had been perseverating on the issue, boring my spouse and friends with details about it, losing sleep, biting my nails, and generally making myself miserable over a situation in my life. I am feeling better tonight.  Facing issues straight on is liberating.

Coincidentally, I also visited some friends today who over the past year have been braver than they probably ever thought they could be.  They have gone through a very challenging time in life, overcome many obstacles, and come out stronger. Thinking their experience could help me with my issue of late, I asked them how they have quieted the negative voices that no doubt have been in their heads through this trying time.  They told me about the podcasts of Pastor Joel Osteen. They said, in fact, the one they listened to today is about this exact issue I was wondering about. Driving home from their house, my kids both fell asleep in the car so I turned the podcast they spoke about on my iPhone.  Oh my, divine intervention.  I do believe that sometimes God puts you in the exact place you need to be at the right time and with the right people.

The podcast is called "Keep Your Walls Up."  The main message is from Proverbs, "Above all else, guard your heart."  He discusses not letting all of the negative stuff in, so that it does not get into your spirit.

He goes on to say, that in life there are always going to be 25% of the people who don't like you, 25% who don't like you but could be persuaded to like you, 25% who do like you but could be persuaded not to, and 25% who like you and will stand by you no matter what happens.  He says not to waste time and energy trying to convince the 25% that are never going to like you.  That is precious time and energy you could use to play with your kids, pursue your hobbies, and do things that are important that require your presence and spirit.

For those of you who have already heard me use this, it's because I am going to keep repeating it and remembering it until it sinks in and all of my positive energy is going to positive things!  Being brave requires a lot of positive energy.  Negativity makes you feel bogged down, scared, wary.  Worrying sucks the joy out of today.  The more you "guard your heart" the less these kinds of thoughts can seep in.

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